Cumin Seed Oil

Meena Perfumery

10 In Stock

Rs. 575.00

Cumin Seed is known worldwide for its exceptional medicinal value. Known since a long ancient times cumin seeds is a member of the Buttercup family. The seeds are dark, thin, and crescent shaped. They contain more than 100 chemical compounds, some of which are still unidentified.

Modern Scientific researches has proved that black cumin seeds plant is one of the most powerful medicinal plants known to man. Extracts from black cumin seed like the Cumin seed oil may help one fight pancreatic cancer that is one of the one of the deadliest and most difficult to treat of all cancers. This oil can be taken alone or with hot tea one hour before meals once or twice daily.

Crystalline nigellone is one of the most essential and active compound found in black cumin seeds. Besides this the seeds contain many active compounds in small quantities. Cumin seed oil is highly effective against allergies, multiple sclerosis, cancer, tuberculosis and AIDS. Black cumin is also effective against liver problems, digestive imbalances, and asthma.


  • Cumin seed oil has a powerful anti-carcinogenic property as it helps fight fought cancerous tumors without the negative side effects.
  • Cumin seeds have been used for a long time for effective treatment of a wide variety of diseases, including hemorrhoids, hepatitis, fever, diarrhea, cough, and tapeworm.
  • Black cumin oil is highly recommended for patients suffering from pollen and dust allergies.
  • Helps in the treatment of Acne, skin fungus and others.
  • Soothes tired muscles and is highly effective in headache, nervous tensions and backache or arthritis.
  • Gets one free from any and all kind of Stomach problems.
  • Stimulates the growth of hair follicles and thus induces hair growth.
  • The oil can be used for preparations on burns or skin infections.

Benefits of CUMIN SEED OIL

  • he oil boosts immunity and helps one maintain sound health and fitness.
  • The oil helps lowers the blood sugar level that is essential for the treatment of diabetes.
  • Asthma or allergic Patients get immediate relief from the pains.
  • The oil helps keep all stomach problems especially related to digestion at bay.
  • It regulates blood pressure and enables one maintain it at a normal rate.
  • The oil lets one get free from intestinal parasites
  • Black cumin seed oil can soothe psoriasis, eczema, and acne.
  • The oil offers beauty benefits as well like stronger and more lustrous hair and fingernails after months of use.
  • Moisturizes the skin effectively.
  • Relieves from joint pain
  • Minimizes wrinkles and other signs of aging.
  • Use of black cumin seeds oil cleanses and tonifies Lever.
  • The oil opens the tiny air passages in the lungs and protects the liver, the kidneys, and the stomach/ digestive system.


Manufacturer Meena Perfumery
Address Shankar Garh, Gauri Shankar Road, Kannauj -209725 , Uttar Pradesh , India
Phone +91 9839739547
Country of Origin India

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